English CV

Thierry Gaudin is an international expert in both fields : innovation policy and foresight. He is one of the founders of the six countries program on innovation policies (6cp.net) and, after ten years managing the technological awareness information system at the french ministry for research, he and his team produced a detailed 600 pages book on 21st century foresight until 2100. He also worked for World Bank, OECD, European Commission. He was first trained as an engineer at Polytechnique and after completed a PhD in information and communication sciences, published under the title Innovation and foresight, anticipative thinking. He has published 25 books and given lectures in all continents. He is presently president of Prospective 2100, a non for profit organisation aimed at studying world programs for 21st century.

More details :
Thierry Gaudin,
Ingénieur Général des Mines, born 15th May 1940 at Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Adresses : 4, rue du Pépin, Bruxelles, B-1000, Belgique
or 59, rue Saint André des Arts, 75006, Paris, France
e-mail Thierry Gaudin.
Internet site : http://gaudin.org

Diplomas : Graduated from Polytechnique 1959 and Mining enginnering school of Paris 1963.

Doctorate in information and communication sciences, Université de Paris X Nanterre, 2008. Thesis : Innovation et prospective : la pensée anticipatrice.

Chronology :

1966-1969 : in charge of regional development and research policies for the governor of the nothern region..

1971-1981 : in charge of building a national innovation policy in the Ministry for industry: patents, measurements, testing, standards, quality control design, technical information and regional netwoks to support innovation in SME’s. Management of innovation incentives, redesign of ANVAR, INOVA shows.

Member of the steering commitee of the “Six countries program on innovation policies” since its foundation in 1974 and president of this program between 1981 and 1983.

1982-1992 : Création and management of CPE (Centre for Prospective and technological assessment, Ministry for Research and Technology), in charge of three missions:

  • International technological awareness
  • Prospective (foresight)
  • Assessment of research and industrial strategies

1993 : Conseil général des Mines (the highest assembly in civil service for technological assessment), member of the auditing committee of CNRS (the french NSF), creation of the 2100.org, aimed at designing world programs for next century.

2100, history of the next century: from twenty years of experience in technology and innovation analysis, T. Gaudin directed, from 1988 to 1993 a worldwide prospective synthesis combining approaches from social sciences, ecology and technology (éd. Payot, 600p).

A reduced version has been edited in english «2100, Our specie’s Odyssey, quoted as Our scenario at the website https://2100.org

Since 2010: Vice-president of IES-SEI (Internet European Societies-Société européenne de l’Internet)

Since 2012
Member of the foresight council of the french ANR (National Research Agency)
President of Reso, a non profit association who organised the Autrans Symposium

Since 2013 : member of the board of WFSF (World Futures Studies Federation)


Une réflexion sur « English CV »

  1. Dear Thierry

    I am using this because I have not your email , since we are starting a pre-project here in Brazil on a long term planing for the country to 2100 I would ask you some considerations that you think that are important to be considered by the discussions prior to any thing including metodological approaches.
    I am taking the advantage of your expertise on such issue and the importance of the results of the work that you have done in the last years.
    I will be delight in receiving from you any consideration on our future endeavour.
    All the best
    PS. Please advise me about other email that I can be in touch with you.

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